Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meals can really lose sleep?

Meals can really lose sleep?

Maybe you feel like stress is the cause of your lack of sleep? Sometimes, maybe you have the feeling that the brain simply does not sleep my mouth and let a little deeper?
Sometimes busy schedules and daily stress is the reason for a restless night, but another reason may be, food and drinks they consume.
It is known that food to the chemical reactions. Some foods can cause sleep deprivation. If you think you are food, can damage your sleep, then begin to cut certain foods known to cause sleep deprivation.
Caffeine: Caffeine can be too many sleepless nights. Some people are more susceptible to caffeine than others. If you consume each day, caffeine, and fight for a good night sleep and then try to cut out caffeine completely for one or two days and see if they can finally rest well.
Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate. If the idea of going without caffeine for a day seems too painful, then consider reducing caffeine after noon, and completely stop the consumption of caffeine five hours before bedtime.
ALCOHOL: Some people were sleeping when they drink alcohol, but others may have the opposite effect. Limit alcohol can help a deserved rest.
FOOD: About to eat and eating foods high in fat or digest is hard to do, to get a good sleep when it's difficult night.
Heartburn: Heartburn If you order after considering a kind of diet heartburn.
If you are unsure of what note is causing your sleep problems, ask you to register all food and drinks consumed in a diet diary. This can help pin point what is happening and help you find, at last, what is causing your lack of sleep.

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